When the Spirit says sleep, you sleep.

I slept, unwittingly until 2pm today. I went to bed at midnight. And I was so distressed by this 14 hour slumber that I had to call my sister to get her to talk me down. Her response was "I think you can count this as your day off."

Maybe we've noted friends that I (and Judes) are a little high strong with lots of projects and lots of directions. Tires a body out for sure. In duet with Judy's previous post I thought I'd chronicle a bit of the week that led up to this long nights rest. (Please note that almost every meal described here was followed by a fudgesicle. Classy.)

Monday: Shop all day with Matt's sister in Brookings, SD. Bike Ride for an hour in Oakwood State Park. Constantly fend off concerns about not making progress on school projects. (You can repeat this statement for every day following...)

Tuesday: Drive back to Mankato in Matt's clunker truck. Feel guilt for buying a vitamin water and pacakge of dark chocolate M&M's at a gas station in Lake Benton. Open and run the Mankato Farmers' Market between 3:30 and 6. Make a full batch of biscuits for dinner (which in fact turned out more like scones because I am still rubbish at the butter business). Serve with a few slices of bacon and sauteed squash. Eat two biscuits, freeze the rest.

Wednesday: Do market business all morning. Spend $30 at the Dollar Store on cleaning supplies. Eat freezer biscuit for lunch (worked nicely baked at 400). Begin packing current apartment. Make nachos for dinner.

Thursday: Meet friend for coffee (and when I say coffee, I of course mean tea) and reading at local coffee shop. Plot to make dilly beans the following Monday. Immediately get distracted with the hopes of shopping for new curtains for new apartment. Leave coffee shop to pursue such efforts. Fix spaghetti with squash and Spinach puree for lunch. Open and run market. Eat other half of pasta for dinner. Affix curtains. Start packing current apartment.

Friday: Attend to market business in the morning. Finish curtain project at new apartment. Eat more nachos for lunch. Make 1 loaf zucchini bread, 20 zucchini muffins, and a double batch of pesto (with walnuts - I roasted and removed the bitter skins with a cloth, thank you internet). Continue packing. Make a fillet of whiting in foil bag with potatoes, fresh pesto, and garlic scapes.

Saturday: Get up at 5:45 to go to market. Make quick breakfast taco. Run Market until 12:45. Shower. Eat sesame bagel with cheddar cheese. Continue packing apartment. Catch up with friend - meet other friends for Mexican food. Eat soft chimichanga. Eat too many tortilla chips, drink two blended lime margaritas. Laugh, a lot. Continue friend discourse until 11pm. Watch two episodes of "How I met your Mother," sleep.

I think I needed that cathartic listing to affirm, that yes, it is ok to have a day off. Plus, I have Mexican left overs and zucchini muffins, and more fudgesicles - and those things just ring out "eat me while you watch illegal streaming television on your computer."

Here's to a day of rest. Cheers.



  1. First of all, this is a terrific post. I can relate. Oh how I can relate! So much that I burst out laughing at the end. And it's so wonderfully telling of the little ups and downs of weekly food obsessed shinanigans. A wonderful testament to how food integrates itself into our lives. And the school the school! projects! Never ending I suppose. And running the market. You're on the hero's path my old dad would say. It's the only place to be. Good grief good luck with your move. I'm off to Oregon for a week and I'm hoping to make some scones.

    YOU NEED A PASTRY BLENDER. I BET THEY'RE 5 BUCKS SOME PLACE. I've always used one and I don't anymore because I won't buy myself one and hell I miss it. The purchase is up and coming. You can put in a special order and I'll send you one as well. I'

  2. I love that you are telling me to buy one and then say:
    "I've always used one and I don't anymore because I won't buy myself one and hell I miss it."

    Let's just bite the bullet eh?



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