Thought Hash #1

Currently I live with a dear friend (Libby is her name), and when I arrived two months ago her kitchen was pretty well equipped. Soon, Libby's leaving and I have to move. This means I will need to better equip myself, but for very little money. Here are my 2:39 am thoughts:

Little mason jars for spices. A wooden spoon. A cast iron dutch oven. Two sizes of cast iron pans, maybe two big ones. (I already have birther sharp knives.) A large ceramic bowl. Beaters. Food processor. Seive (big one). Spatula. 9x12 and 9x9 pyrex baking dishes. pie pan. loaf pan. muffin tins. The adorable efficient espresso pot that they have at this delightful european grocery store near my house (I think I like the coffee making things more than coffee, or the idea of it, no the idea of the taste going with things, breakfast things, cinnamon buns). And then some really big jars for nuts, raisins, dried beans etc. So they can be out on the counter and not in sticky plastic wrappers.

How do you feel about sulphites in prunes and apricots? Raisins? Should we eat organic nuts?

1 comment:

  1. Yes to jars. No to sulphites.

    I too dream of drinking coffee--it just seems suiting to pastry, but try as I might, I just can't seem to like it. Somewhere, a finnish ancestor is wailing at that notion.


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